Nancy (nancybrown) wrote in jackxianto,

Fic: Back, and Back, and Back a Little More (Future Optional)

Title: Back, and Back, and Back a Little More (Future Optional)
Author: nancybrown
Character/Pairing(s): Ianto, Jack, Jenny Flint, Madame Vastra, Strax, Parker, Martha, Gwen
Rating: R
Warnings: violence, character death, mention of sexual assault, prostitution, language, and severe bending of time travel plausibility even taking all three canons into account
Spoilers: through TW: "Exit Wounds" and through DW: "The Snowmen"
Word Count: 32,500
Summary: Accidentally shot into the past by a time-travelling car, Ianto has to fix his own mistakes or he won't have a future to go back to.
AN: Written for reel_torchwood Screening 6. Also fills the Trope Bingo space: au:fusion

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Tags: fanfic, fanfic:r

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