Title: Double Jeopardy
Author: evalentine99
Rating: Mature
Fandom: Torchwood
Genre: Angst/Adventure
This is part two of a three part story.
Part One Due Diligence Chapter One http://evalentine99.livejournal.com/75573.html
Totally AU.
All main TW characters will make an appearance along with some new ones across all three stories.
Part Two: John (Ianto) Jones, Jack Harkness, John Hart, Martha Jones, Gwen Cooper, Owen Harper/Toshiko Sato, Rhianna Davies OC's
Beta: milady_dragon Torchwood- Copyright BBC. This Fan fiction has been created for enjoyment and is not for profit. All and any unique story elements, OC's and plot belong to Evalentine99 and may not be reproduced without permission.
Almost five years have passed since the' Diligence Incident'. Ianto (John) Jones has lost everything that was important to him, his career, the sport he loved and his independence. Now he has to find a new future but to do so he has to face the past.
Chapter Fourteen http://evalentine99.livejournal.com/82655.html