milady_dragon (milady_dragon) wrote in jackxianto,

Once Bitten - Chapter Four

Once Bitten - Chapter Four
Author: Milady Dragon
Series: Dragon-Verse
Rating: PG-13
Pairing(s): JackHarkness/Ianto Jones, Toshiko Sato/Kathy Swanson, Canton Everett Delaware III/Pat Andrews, Phil Coulson/Clint Barton (Mentioned)
Warnings: Language, MPreg (Sort of), Violence
Spoilers: Both series up to S2, E7, "Something Borrowed", and the audio play "Lost Souls".  Also for the Year That Never Was.
Disclaimer: I don't own Torchwood, I would have treated it better.
Author's Note:  Hello, everyone!  Since there's no Gwen Cooper in this story, this is what takes place of "Something Borrowed" in the Dragon-Verse.  Hope you enjoy!

Summary: Canton Everett Delaware III knew something was up when his grandson, Patrick, hadn't shown up at the airport as promised.  Little did he know just what was keeping Patrick from coming to pick him and his husband up...


Tags: fanfic:pg-13

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